Today we are going to talk about the elements in spiritual growth. To understand what the elements in spiritual growth are, we need to understand what we mean by spiritual growth.
There is a lot of misinformation about spirituality in the world today, in modern culture, that causes us to have misconceptions and misunderstandings about things that, unfortunately, we take for granted as “correct,” but can gravely harm our spiritual growth. To understand what spiritual growth means, we need to understand what is “spirit.”
This word spirit in English has been terribly abused, especially in the last one hundred years. Nowadays, no one can give an accurate or consistent definition to the word spirit. We use it for things ranging from the feeling of a certain kind of music or art to descriptions of ghosts and phantoms to discussions of god, and even alcohol (spirits). So, our definition of spirit is very imprecise, and not founded in the ancient, accurate, specific knowledge regarding how to awaken consciousness.
If we look at what the Gnosis teaches us about spirit, we can look at any of the ancient traditions and the etymologies of the words used for spirit and they all agree.